6 Ways to Authenticate Sneakers that can Save you Thousands

If you know anything about sneakers, you know that there are a BUNCH of replicas out there. In fact, there are far more replicas than authentics circulating. The counterfeit sneaker market is estimated be worth around 450 billion dollars (More than FIVE TIMES the value of the legitimate sneaker market). 

Therefore, if you want to get into sneaker reselling, you’re gonna have to learn how to authenticate shoes.

This blog post gives 6 quick and easy methods to learn how to authenticate sneakers. In fact, this may be the most valuable blog post on our website as it can save you THOUSANDS of dollars. Don’t believe me? I personally have lost north of $3,000 being scammed by counterfeit sneakers because I didn’t do my due diligence. Trust me… it’s not fun.

So let’s dive right into it.

1. Apps

This is one of the easiest methods because… well… you don’t even do the checking yourself! There are apps out there that can legit check your shoes for you. An example is Check Check. 

For Check Check to work, you basically need to take 6 photos and submit them to professional legit checkers and return the results usually within 30 minutes. Amongst these photos are side view, inside label, bottom of insole, inside stitching, tongue label, and heel. 

Buttttt….. It comes at a price (Around $2 per check). Although this price is cheap compared to how much money you can save by doing this!

2. Blacklight

When you are a sneaker reseller, a $5 blacklight is one of the greatest investments you can make (I learned this a bit too late…). 

One of the ways counterfeit sneaker companies hide the fact that they are conterfeit is by adding small stamps that you can’t see with a naked eye. Although, you can see them under a blacklight! Below is an example of these stamps. 

So yea.. If you see stamps on a shoe under a blacklight, run from the seller as they are trying to scam you!

You can also use the blacklight to look at the glue stains. Sometimes, counterfeit sneaker producers are sloppy with the glue work. Below is an example.

Although, this isn’t a full proof method as some authentic sneakers quality control is pretty bad… 

3. Smell

This one is pretty simple. SMELL THE SHOE!

Does it smell toxic? Well then chances are its fake. 

This is something you naturally inhibit once you start buying more and more shoes. Most sneaker lovers will say one of their favourite smell is the smell of a brand new pair of jordans. Therefore, eventually you’ll be able to tell when a shoe smells fake. 

4. Retail Sticker

Okay so this one isn’t 100%. But, it’s quick and easy. 

For any pair of Jordans, the box will have a “Suggested retail” sticker next to the box label. Below is an example. 

Do you see it? The small attachment on the right of the box label.

Most counterfeit sneakers will have the suggested retail sticker in USD as most pairs in any release is distributed in the United States. 

Therefore, if your suggested retail sticker is in any other currency than USD, there are greater chances that it is authentic (Remember, not 100%)

Below is an example of a different currency suggested retail sticker. 

Again, not 100%. And this also doesn’t mean that all USD suggested retail prices are fake. That would be absurd…

But I use this method a lot and so far, I haven’t run into any counterfeits with different currecny suggested retail stickers.

5. Is it too good to be true?

This one is by far the most effective. Is the price too good to be true?

If someone is offering you a $2,000 shoe for $100, chances are, its a counterfeit sneaker. 

This question was something I’d ask myself all the time before buying a pair of sneakers. You shoud too. 

6. Receipt 

Last but not least, is there a receipt?

This one is obvious yet very overlooked. 

In any sneaker deal, ask the person if there is a receipt. If they say there is an online one, get them to forward it to you (Avoid screenshots, they can be photoshopped).

Also, be weary, some counterfeit sneakers come with fake receipts which means if it does come with a paper receipt, it doesn’t always mean its 100% authentic. This is why I prefer online. Counterfeit sneaker producers can’t fake an online receipt. 

That’s it! Hopefully this helps and good luck!

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