Avoid Doing These Things When Sneaker Reselling

If you’ve clicked on this blog post, chances are you are already interested in sneaker reselling (which is great!). Although, there are some things that you should NEVER EVER do when sneaker reselling. 

This blog post will touch on what to avoid at all costs when sneaker reselling to make sure you succeed and create good relationships in your business.

Alright starting off strong with…

1. Lowballing

If you don’t know what lowballing is, it’s basically offering well below the asking price. 


*Seller lists shoe for $500.*

* You offer $50.* 

*Seller wants to strangle you.*

Look, I get it. You want to get the best deal possible and maybe you wanna start as low as possible to “work your way up”. 

Although, there is definitely a line. I use the 50% rule, which means, do not offer less than 50% of the original price. Chances are you will either get blocked, left on read, or laughed at if you go below 50%. 

2. Scam

This is an obvious one. Don’t be that person that scams others…. Trust me, you will do much better and make much more by building a good reputation and keeping it in the long term. Also, I’m the type of person to believe in bad karma….

3. Ask for the price when you aren’t interested

Asking for the price when you know you aren’t going to buy the pair of sneakers is a waste of time for both parties and one of the most annoying things a seller can receive. Avoid it as much as possible. 

4. Not putting a price in your listing

This one relates to the previous one. One of the most annoying things to do as a buyer is to constantly ask for the price. 

Imagine going to a restaurant and opening the menu and next to every item is “ask the waiter for price”. 

That would be quite annoying right?

It’s the same for sneakers. Don’t do it. 

Often times the seller will do this to “test waters” and get offers. Although, most of the time you will just get lowballed. 

So, save everyones time by adding a price in the listing. 

5. Flaking

This is a big one. 

If you aren’t aware of what flaking is; it’s basically coming to an agreement with somoene and then backing out (Usually with an equivalent excuse to: My dog ate my homework)

This is one of the worst things to deal with as a seller as it wastes their time and makes them lose trust for you as a buyer. 

It is truly one of the worst reputations to have.

So, avoid it as much as possible. 

Alright, that’s it! If you avoid these 5 things, your “business manners” should be ready to start aiding you in building your sneaker empire!

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